2017 3rd Quarter Classes

2017 3rd Quarter Classes


Sunday Morning and Wednesday Evening:


Auditorium: Acts - Revelation - various discussion leaders

Upstairs Class Rooms :  Adults and children



Children Classes  (July - Sept 2017)

Sunday Morning:


Nursery(2+):    Glenda Scheiner

Pre-School / Kinder:   Marcia Weekes

Early Elementary:    Sheldon McGee

4th - 6th Graders:   Trent Palmer

Junior High (7th - 9th):  Nick Cooper

High School:  Bill Wilder  Tony West


Wednesday Evening:


Nursery (2+):  Tonya Christensen

Pre-School / Kinder: Debbie Ramsey

Early Elementary:  Suzy Winters

4th - 6th Graders:   Leone West

Junior High (7th - 9th):  Buddy Meyer

High School: meet with adults in the Auditorium