

Media and Sermons

Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/04/13 Recognizing the Authority of the Scriptures David Hamlett Gospel Meeting 2013Summer - Workshop Sun Bible Study 130804_RecognizingTheAuthorityOfTheScriptures.mp3
08/04/13 Equiping with Knowledge of Christ and His Gospel Kieren Murphy Gospel Meeting 2013Summer - Workshop Sun AM 20130804_EquippingWithKnowledgeOfChrist.mp3
08/04/13 Purifying Ourselves for Evangelism Joe Hamm Gospel Meeting 2013Summer - Workshop Gospel Meeting 20130804_PurifyingForEvangelism.mp3
08/04/13 Equiping Ourselves with Zeal, Removing Hindrances Mike Stephens Gospel Meeting 2013Summer - Workshop Sun PM 20130804_EquippingWithZealRemovingHinderances.mp3
08/03/13 Preaching Christ to Atheists Mike Stephens Gospel Meeting 2013Summer - Workshop Gospel Meeting 130803_PreachingChristToAtheists.mp3
08/03/13 Preaching Christ to those in non-Christian faiths David Hamlett Gospel Meeting 2013Summer - Workshop Gospel Meeting 130803_PreachingChristToThoseInNon-DenomintationalFaiths.mp3
08/03/13 Preaching Christ to those in denominationalism Kieren Murphy Gospel Meeting 2013Summer - Workshop Gospel Meeting 130803_PreachingChristToThoseInDenominations.mp3
08/03/13 Preaching Christ to False Teachers & Correcting Error Joe Hamm Gospel Meeting 2013Summer - Workshop Gospel Meeting 130803_PreachingChristToFalseTeachersAndCorrectingError.mp3