

Media and Sermons

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/22/11 Lesson 12 Stephen Coffman Bible Class 2011Spring - Hebrews Sun Bible Study 110522_Hebrews.mp3 Hebrews_--_Lesson_12.doc
05/22/11 Let Us Not Sleep Aaron Cope Sermon N/A Sun AM 110522_Let_Us_Not_Sleep.mp3
05/22/11 Lesson 12 (low level) Greg Ramsey Bible Class 2011Spring - The Church Sun Bible Study 110522_Church.mp3
05/22/11 Age and Youth Wade Norman Sermon N/A Sun PM 110522_Age_and_Youth.mp3
05/18/11 Lesson 8 Kevin Booker Bible Class 2011Spring - Esther Sun Bible Study 110518_Esther.mp3 Esther_Class_Lesson_8.doc
05/18/11 Isaiah 53:12 Various Teachers Bible Class 2011Spring - Powerful OT Passages Wed Bible Study 110518_OT.mp3
05/15/11 Lesson 11 Bill Wilder Bible Class 2011Spring - Hebrews Sun Bible Study 110515_Hebrews.mp3 Hebrews_--_Lesson_11.doc
05/15/11 Lesson 11 Greg Ramsey Bible Class 2011Spring - The Church Sun Bible Study 110515_Church.mp3
05/15/11 Don't Fall Out Along the Way Randy Frazier Sermon N/A Sun AM Don't_Fall_Out_By_The_Way..._ARIAL_-_May_15,_2011.ppt 110515_Don't_Fall_Out_Along_the_Way.mp3 !_-_Don't_Fall_Out_By_The_Way..._FINAL_-_May_15,_2011.ppt
05/15/11 Discipling our Children Tony West Bible Class 2011Spring - Parenting Sun Bible Study Parenting_Discipline.ppt 110515_Parenting.mp3
05/11/11 Lesson 8 - The Holy Spirit Promise -Joel 2 Various Teachers Bible Class 2011Spring - Powerful OT Passages Wed Bible Study OT_Powerful_Passage_Joel_2.ppt 110511_OT.mp3
05/08/11 Lesson 10 Rod Amonett Bible Class 2011Spring - Hebrews Sun Bible Study 110508_Hebrews.mp3 Hebrews_--_Lesson_10.doc
05/08/11 Lesson 10 Greg Ramsey Bible Class 2011Spring - The Church Sun Bible Study 110508_Church.mp3
05/08/11 How do we measure sin Rod Amonett Sermon N/A Sun PM 110508pm_HowDoWeMeasureSin.mp3
05/01/11 Lesson 9 Rod Amonett Bible Class 2011Spring - Hebrews Sun Bible Study 110501_Hebrews.mp3
05/01/11 Lesson 9 Greg Ramsey Bible Class 2011Spring - The Church Sun Bible Study 110501_Church.mp3
05/01/11 David, Peter, and Me Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting 2011 - Our Purpose and Calling Gospel Meeting 110501_David_Peter_and_Me.mp3
05/01/11 The Purpose of Good Deeds Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting 2011 - Our Purpose and Calling Gospel Meeting 110501_The_Purpose_of_Good_Deeds.mp3
04/30/11 The Purpose of Our Calling (Part 1) Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting 2011 - Our Purpose and Calling Gospel Meeting 110430_The_Purpose_of_Our_Calling_(Part_1).mp3
04/30/11 The Purpose of Our Calling (Part 2) Andy Cantrell Gospel Meeting 2011 - Our Purpose and Calling Gospel Meeting 110430_The_Purpose_of_Our_Calling_(Part_2).mp3

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