All Gospel Meetings

All Gospel Meetings

Gospel Meeting Series

Displaying 21 - 40 of 48

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/07/12 What a Friend we have in Jesus - Look at Peter Chuck Durham 2012 Fall Meeting - The Cross Sun PM 121007_WhatAFriendWeHaveInJesus.mp3
10/07/12 Safe in the Storm Chuck Durham 2012 Fall Meeting - The Cross Sun AM 121007_SafeInTheStorm.mp3
10/07/12 Who Moved the Stone? Chuck Durham 2012 Fall Meeting - The Cross Sun Bible Study 121007_WhoMovedTheStone.mp3
10/06/12 Four Word Pictures of the Cross Chuck Durham 2012 Fall Meeting - The Cross Gospel Meeting 121006_OurGodWhoseSonUponATree.mp3
10/05/12 Why is Sin Such a Big Deal? Chuck Durham 2012 Fall Meeting - The Cross Gospel Meeting 121005_TheAwfulnessOfSin.mp3
05/06/12 Learning The Hard Way David Thomley 2012May - Spiritual Victory in Troubled Time Sun PM 120506_Learning_The_Hard_Way.mp3
05/06/12 Hanging Tight With Friends David Thomley 2012May - Spiritual Victory in Troubled Time Sun AM 120506_Hanging_Tight_With_Friends.mp3
05/05/12 Calm in Chaos David Thomley 2012May - Spiritual Victory in Troubled Time Gospel Meeting 120505_Calm_In_Chaos.mp3
05/05/12 Reminders When The Lights Go Out David Thomley 2012May - Spiritual Victory in Troubled Time Gospel Meeting 120505_Reminders_When_The_Lights_Go_out.mp3
05/04/12 Man Up! Owning Your Personal Responsibility David Thomley 2012May - Spiritual Victory in Troubled Time Gospel Meeting 120504_Man_Up.mp3
11/12/11 Ask for the old paths Ed Harrell 2011 Lectures Gospel Meeting Old_Paths.pptx 111112_OldPaths.mp3
11/12/11 Don't wait too long to awake Bob Owen 2011 Lectures Gospel Meeting 111112DontWaitTooLongToAwake.mp3
11/12/11 The house church movement Melvin Curry 2011 Lectures Gospel Meeting House_Church_Movement_Sermon_Revised.ppt 111112_HouseChurchMovement.mp3
11/11/11 Marks of a sectarian spirit Melvin Curry 2011 Lectures Gospel Meeting 111111SectarianSpirit.mp3
11/11/11 Origins of the social gospel movement Ed Harrell 2011 Lectures Gospel Meeting Social_Gospel.pptx 111111SocialGospel.mp3
11/11/11 What if God did not say? Bob Owen 2011 Lectures Gospel Meeting 111111_IfGodDidNotSayIt.mp3
11/11/11 Institutional Religion: models that don't work Ed Harrell 2011 Lectures Gospel Meeting Annandale,Primitive.pptx 111111_ModelsThatDontWork.mp3
11/10/11 Respect for the Word of God: WWJD Bob Owen 2011 Lectures Gospel Meeting 111110RespectTheWord.mp3
09/25/11 God's Servant Victorious Bill Robinson 2011 Fall- Behold My Servant Gospel Meeting 110925pm_GodsServant.mp3
09/25/11 God's Servant Scandalized Bill Robinson 2011 Fall- Behold My Servant Gospel Meeting 110925_God'sServantScandalized.mp3 God's_Servant_Scandalized.ppt

Displaying 21 - 40 of 48

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